Continuous integration

phd is designed to easily run in various CI/CD tools supporting Docker.


Workflow diagram

graph LR; build(Build) test(Testing) release(Release) image((Image)) subgraph CI build test release end subgraph Registry image end build==>test test==>release test-->report release-->image
  • Clone application from local repository
  • Start application make all
  • Make changes in local development stack
  • Run tests in isolated local testing stack cd tests; make all run-tests
  • Commit (triggers CI)
  • CI builds images
  • CI starts isolated stacks (by setting custom COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAMEs) from built images and performs setup operations
  • CI runs tests (also acceptance tests with Selenium containers)
  • CI creates reports
  • CI performs cleanup of isolated stacks
  • CI tags images and pushes them to a registry (if tests were successful)


During local development the images build for the application stack are named by docker-compose, if not specified otherwise. For testing they are by default named registry/namespace/phd5 via setting the STACK_PHP_IMAGE variable used in docker-compose.test.yml. In the CI we override this variable by setting it in the configuration to the actual image name we want to push later, eg. for private registries or vendor/image for usage with DockerHub.


Using Git branches to build releases and trigger deployments

Build, test and push a :latest image

make latest

Build, test and push a :1.2.3-4-gfedcba98 image

make release

Setup ENv variables in roj PROJECT_TOKEN

Startup script with auto-migration.

command: "sh -c 'yii migrate --interactive=0 && forego start -r -f /root/Procfile'"



  • PROJECT_TOKEN - token from stacks-staging project
  • PROJECT_REF - branch, usually master
  • PROJECT_DIR - location of docker-compose.yml, eg. auto/cusomter/
graph LR; deploy(Deployment) image((Image)) image---server deploy-->server subgraph CI deploy end subgraph Registry image end

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