For debugging and multiple one-off commands, you can enter the CLI container with
make cli
:bulb: Code generation only work in Yii's development environment. To write files you also might need to have root permissions while running the CLI application in the container.
You can create a standard Yii module with
$ yii gii/module \
--moduleID=frontend \
Create additional controller
$ yii gii/controller \
--controllerClass=project\\modules\\frontend\\controllers\\ExamplesController \
To add it to your application adjust configuration in project/config/common.php
return [
'modules' => [
'frontend' => [
'class' => 'project\modules\frontend\Module',
'layout' => '//container',
You should now be able to access to module default page via /frontend
in your browser.
:information_source: Please note that standard Yii modules do not have access control enabled by default.
The generated source-files, like controllers and views can be found in project/src/modules/frontend
phd allows you to use you custom designed database schema as the base for CRUD admin interfaces.
To add a new module to your application, we create a crud
module with phd and Yii's built-in tools
If you would like to create an extension module in a composer package, please start by creating an extension first. push it to your repo and install it with
composer require --prefer-source name/package
. Afterwards generate your code directly intovendor/name/package
and use this repository for development.
$ yii gii/giiant-module \
--moduleID=crud \
To add it to your application adjust your configuration in project/config/common.php
return [
'modules' => [
'crud' => [
'class' => 'project\modules\crud\Module',
'layout' => '@backend/views/layouts/main',
:bulb: When using a non-autoloaded namespace you need to register an alias before running the
command'aliases' => [ '@name/package' => '@project/modules/crud' ],
public function beforeAction($action)
$moduleUrl = '/'.$this->id;
\Yii::$app->controller->view->params['breadcrumbs'][] = [
'label' => ucfirst($this->id),
'url' => [$moduleUrl]
return parent::beforeAction($action);
$ yii migrate/create init --migrationPath=@project/modules/crud/migrations
Add migration to application params in src/config/common.php
'params' => [
'yii.migrations' => [
And run the migrations
$ yii migrate
See also how to create file migrations.
Create the backend CRUDs with gii and Giiant
yii giiant-batch \
--interactive=0 \
--overwrite=1 \
--modelDb=db \
--modelNamespace=project\\modules\\crud\\models \
--modelQueryNamespace=project\\modules\\crud\\models\\query \
--crudAccessFilter=1 \
--crudControllerNamespace=project\\modules\\crud\\controllers \
--crudSearchModelNamespace=project\\modules\\crud\\models\\search \
--crudViewPath=@project/modules/crud/views \
--crudPathPrefix= \
--tablePrefix=<PREFIX_> \
See also Giiant documentation.
Have also a look at guidelines for good schema design even if it was written for Yii 1 it is still valid today.
Login to the application backend as admin
and go to the crud
:bulb: You can define and register the batch command in the Module bootstrapping process.
Create a form model.
Enter application console
$ yii gii/form \
--modelClass=project\\modules\\frontend\\models\\TranslateForm \
--viewName=translate \
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